One on One Sessions

Evaluations + Blueprint for Success

This program is administered by a therapist to help your child with focus, behavioral issues, fine and gross motor skills.

 Program begins with a deep dive to understand your child, his environment and your areas of concern. We will conduct a full evaluation at home or at school to assess your child's needs and develop a customized Blueprint for Success. Every new client will have a planning session to define 3-5 success driven goals and discuss a relevant plan that fits into your everyday life.

 The 12-week Success Program includes:

  • Emotional regulation building workouts
  • Integrated yoga and mindfulness techniques to calm the mind
  • Creation of safe spaces adept to each child's emotional needs
  • Strength-based body weight activities + with academic activities

 Observations (at school or activities)

If your child is struggling in a particular area, a therapist can conduct an additional observation session at school or during a specific activity.  This targeted session allows us to observe your child in the environment where he/she is having the most difficulty to come up with targeted tools and solutions.